Lead Validation C# Rest Code Snippet

ContactInternational response = null;
//In the event that a production key is purchased, the primary url should point to sws.serviceobjects.com and the backupURL should be pointing to swsbackup.serviceobjects.com
    string primaryURL = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/lv/api.svc/XML/ValidateLead_V3?FullName=" + FullName.Text + "&Salutation=" + Salutation.Text + "&FirstName=" + FirstName.Text + "&LastName=" + LastName.Text + "&BusinessName=" + BusinessName.Text + "&BusinessDomain=" + BusinessDomain.Text + "&BusinessEIN=" + BusinessEIN.Text + "&Address1=" + Address1.Text + "&Address2=" + Address2.Text + "&Address3=" + Address3.Text + "&Address4=" + Address4.Text + "&Address5=" + Address5 + "&Locality=" + Locality.Text + "&AdminArea=" + AdminArea.Text + "&PostalCode=" + PostalCode.Text + "&Country=" + Country.Text + "&Phone1=" + Phone1.Text + "&Phone2=" + Phone2.Text + "&Email=" + Email.Text + "&IPAddress=" + IPAddress.Text + "&Gender=" + Gender.Text + "&DateOfBirth=" + DateOfBirth.Text + "&UTCCaptureTime=" + UTCCaptureTime.Text + "&OutputLanguage=" + OutputLanguage.Text + "&TestType=" + TestType.Text + "&LicenseKey=" + LicenseKey.Text;
    string backupURL = "https://trial.serviceobjects.com/lv/api.svc/XML/ValidateLead_V3?FullName=" + FullName.Text + "&Salutation=" + Salutation.Text + "&FirstName=" + FirstName.Text + "&LastName=" + LastName.Text + "&BusinessName=" + BusinessName.Text + "&BusinessDomain=" + BusinessDomain.Text + "&BusinessEIN=" + BusinessEIN.Text + "&Address1=" + Address1.Text + "&Address2=" + Address2.Text + "&Address3=" + Address3.Text + "&Address4=" + Address4.Text + "&Address5=" + Address5 + "&Locality=" + Locality.Text + "&AdminArea=" + AdminArea.Text + "&PostalCode=" + PostalCode.Text + "&Country=" + Country.Text + "&Phone1=" + Phone1.Text + "&Phone2=" + Phone2.Text + "&Email=" + Email.Text + "&IPAddress=" + IPAddress.Text + "&Gender=" + Gender.Text + "&DateOfBirth=" + DateOfBirth.Text + "&UTCCaptureTime=" + UTCCaptureTime.Text + "&OutputLanguage=" + OutputLanguage.Text + "&TestType=" + TestType.Text + "&LicenseKey=" + LicenseKey.Text;
        //Make Call to primary URL
        response = httpGet(primaryURL);
        if (response == null || (response.Error != null && response.Error.TypeCode == "3"))
            throw new Exception();
        response = httpGet(backupURL);
catch (Exception ex)
    //Deal with Errors Appropriately

Lead Validation Java Rest Code Snippet

ContactInternational Response = null;
String Request = TrialURL + "FullName=" + FullName +"&Salutation=" + Salutation +"&FirstName=" + FirstName +"&LastName=" + LastName +"&BusinessName=" + BusinessName +"&BusinessDomain=" + BusinessDomain +"&BusinessEIN=" + BusinessEIN +"&Address1=" + Address1 +"&Address2=" + Address2 +"&Address3=" + Address3 +"&Address4=" + Address4 +"&Address5=" + Address5 +"&Locality=" + Locality +"&AdminArea=" + AdminArea +"&PostalCode=" + PostalCode +"&Country=" + Country +"&Phone1=" + Phone1 +"&Phone2=" + Phone2 +"&Email=" + Email +"&IPAddress=" + IPAddress +"&Gender=" + Gender +"&DateOfBirth=" + DateOfBirth +"&UTCCaptureTime=" + UTCCaptureTime +"&OutputLanguage=" + OutputLanguage +"&TestType=" + TestType +"&LicenseKey=" + LicenseKey;
String BackupRequest = FailoverURL + "FullName=" + FullName +"&Salutation=" + Salutation +"&FirstName=" + FirstName +"&LastName=" + LastName +"&BusinessName=" + BusinessName +"&BusinessDomain=" + BusinessDomain +"&BusinessEIN=" + BusinessEIN +"&Address1=" + Address1 +"&Address2=" + Address2 +"&Address3=" + Address3 +"&Address4=" + Address4 +"&Address5=" + Address5 +"&Locality=" + Locality +"&AdminArea=" + AdminArea +"&PostalCode=" + PostalCode +"&Country=" + Country +"&Phone1=" + Phone1 +"&Phone2=" + Phone2 +"&Email=" + Email +"&IPAddress=" + IPAddress +"&Gender=" + Gender +"&DateOfBirth=" + DateOfBirth +"&UTCCaptureTime=" + UTCCaptureTime +"&OutputLanguage=" + OutputLanguage +"&TestType=" + TestType +"&LicenseKey=" + LicenseKey;
try {
    Response = DoHttpRequest(Request);
    if (Response == null ||(Response.getError() != null && Response.getError().getTypeCode().equals("3")))
        throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    Response = DoHttpRequest(BackupRequest);