Takes a single line of address information as the input and returns the best candidate with parsed and corrected address information. This operation may return multiple address candidates if a single best match cannot be determined.
URL Endpoints
GetBestMatchesSingeLine Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
BusinessName | String | Name of business associated with this address. Used to append Suite data |
Address | String | Entire address to Validate. For example (123 Main Street, Anytown CA 99999″) |
LicenseKey | String | Your license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial key at https://www.serviceobjects.com/address-validation/ |
GetBestMatchesSingeLine Outputs
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Addresses | Address[] | Varies | The corrected address candidates. |
IsCASS | String | “true” or “false” | Indicates if the unaltered input address is CASS certified. See “What is CASS?” below for more information. |
Error | Error | Varies | Error object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information. |
Name | Type | Values | Description | ||||||
Address1 | String | Varies | The corrected address line 1. | ||||||
Address2 | String | Varies | The corrected address line 2. | ||||||
City | String | Varies | The corrected city name. | ||||||
State | String | Varies | The corrected state name. | ||||||
Zip | String | Varies | The corrected zip code + 4. | ||||||
IsResidential | String | “true” or “false” | Indicates if the address is for a residence. | ||||||
DPV [1] | String | 1-4 | Number that correlates to a DPV(Delivery Point Validation) result. An indicator displaying whether or not the address is recognized as deliverable by the USPS. | ||||||
DPVDesc | String | Varies | Explains DPV result. | ||||||
DPVNotes | String | Varies | Number that correlates to DPV notes description. Service Objects may add or change Note descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
DPVNotesDesc | String | Varies | Details about the DPV result. Service Objects may add or change Note descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
Corrections | String | Varies | Number that correlates to a Corrections Description. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
CorrectionsDesc | String | Varies | Description of what was corrected in an address. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
BarcodeDigits [2] | String | Varies |
The post office delivery barcode digits. Barcode Example: 931011445011
| ||||||
CarrierRoute | String | 4 chars | 4 chars: 1 for the route type, 3 for the route code. Identifies a group of addresses when prepended by 5-digit Zip. | ||||||
CongressCode | String | Varies | The congress code is the congressional district number. | ||||||
CountyCode | String | Varies | The county code of the given address. | ||||||
CountyName | String | Varies | The name of the county in which the given address lies. | ||||||
FragmentHouse | String | Varies |
The parsed house number of the given address. 123 in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPreDir | String | Varies |
The parsed pre-directional of the address's street North in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentStreet | String | Varies |
The parsed name of the street in the given address Main in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentSuffix | String | Varies |
The parsed suffix of the street in the given address St in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPostDir | String | Varies |
The parsed post-directional of the address's street West in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentUnit | String | Varies | The parsed unit type (e.g. “Apt” or “Ste”) | ||||||
Fragment | String | Varies | The parsed “Fragment” box, apartment or unit number. Same as FragmentPMBNumber. | ||||||
FragmentPMBPrefix | String | Varies |
The parsed type of the apartment, box, unit, etc Apt in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPMBNumber | String | Varies |
The parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the given address. 123 in 123 North Main St West Apt A |