Returns an estimated distance from a given latitude and longitude to the nearest saltwater.

URL Endpoints

GetDistanceToWater Inputs

LatitudeStringThe latitude of the location.
LongitudeStringThe longitude of the location.
LicenseKeyStringYour license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial
key at

GetDistanceToWater Outputs

MilesToWaterStringDecimal NumberAn estimate on the number of miles between the given location and the nearest saltwater.
LatitudeStringDecimal NumberThe latitude of the location.
LongitudeStringDecimal NumberThe longitude of the location.
ClosestWaterLatitudeStringDecimal NumberThe longitude of the closest saltwater location.
ClosestWaterLongitudeStringDecimal NumberThe longitude of the closest saltwater location.
ErrorErrorVariesError object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information.
