Returns the latitude and longitude for a given US address. This operation will use cascading logic when an exact address match is not found and it will return the next closest level match available. The operation output is designed to allow the service to return new pieces of data as they become available without having to re-integrate.
URL Endpoints
- XML:
HTTP POST Request Help Page
GetBestMatch_V4 tries to find a match at the most granular level that it can:
- Property Match on the street level
- ZIP + 4 Match
- ZIP + 3 Match
- ZIP + 2 Match
- ZIP + 1 Match
- ZIP Match
- City/State Match (least accurate)
This operation will also return a code indicating the level at which it matched. The codes are:
- S – Street Level Property Match
- P – ZIP plus four match
- R – ZIP plus three-match
- T – ZIP plus two match
- N – ZIP plus one match
- Z – ZIP level match (zip plus zero)
- C – City/state match
GetBestMatches_V4 Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
Address | String | Address line of the address to geocode. For example, “123 Main Street”. |
City | String | The city of the address to geocode. For example, “New York”. The city isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the ZIP code is required. |
State | String | The state of the address to geocode. For example, “NY”. This does not need to be contracted, full state names will work as well. The state isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the ZIP code is required. |
PostalCode | String | The ZIP code of the address to geocode. A ZIP code isn’t required, but if one is not provided, the City and State are required. |
LicenseKey | String | Your license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial key at |
GetBestMatches_V4 Outputs
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Level [1] | String | Varies | The level code at which the address matched. See above for a listing of possible outputs. |
LevelDescription | String | Varies | An explicit description of the level code, described above. |
Latitude | String | Decimal Number | The latitude of the given address. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
Longitude | String | Decimal Number | The longitude of the given address. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
Zip | String | Varies | The corrected zip plus four of the given address. |
InformationComponents | InformationComponent array or NULL | Varies | A name-value pair collection containing additional information about the location. See the InformationComponent table and the list of Components for more details. |
Error | Error | Varies | Error object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information. |
- InformationComponent
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Name | String | Varies | The component name of the Name-Value pair. Possible examples are “CountyFIPS”, “CensusTract” “CensusGeoID” |
Value | String | Varies | The component value of the Name-Value pair. |
- Current List of Components
Name | Type | Value | Description |
StateFIPS | String | 2 Digit Number | State FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identity states. |
State | String | Varies | State name. |
CountyFIPS | String | 3 Digit Number | County FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identify counties across the US. |
County | String | Varies | County name. |
CensusTract | String | 6 Digit Decimal Number | The census tract of the given address. A census tract is a statistical subdivision of a county. |
CensusBlock | String | 4 Digit Number | The census block of the given address. A block is the smallest geographic unit used by the US Census. |
CensusGeoID | String | 15 Digit Number | A Census based geographic identification code that uniquely identifies a geographic statistical area. |
ClassFP | String | Alpha-Numeric | A code that defines the current class of the geographic location. |
CongressCode | String | Varies | The congressional district number. |
SLDUST | String | Varies | Current state legislative district upper (senate) chamber code. |
SLDLST | String | Varies | Current state legislative district lower (house) chamber code |
PlaceName | String | Varies | The name of the place that the coordinates are associated with. Most commonly the name of a municipality, city, town, village, or community. NOTICE: For street-level property matches the place name will reflect the name of the area where the exact coordinates reside. Coordinates for some unincorporated areas lie outside of known city/community boundaries. In this case the place name will reflect the name of the place that the address is associated with, which is most commonly derived from USPS postal data. |
IsUnincorporated [2] | String | Varies | Indicates if the coordinates are for an unincorporated area. Only appears for street-level property matches (S). 1 – Indicates that the coordinates fall within the boundaries of a known unincorporated area. 2 – Indicates that the coordinates fall outside of the boundaries of a known area. |
TimeZone_UTC | String | Varies | The time zone is in UTC offset format. |
GoogleMapsURL | String | Varies | Google Maps URL with the coordinates to the location. |
BingMapsURL | String | Varies | Bing Maps URL with the coordinates to the location. |
MapQuestURL | String | Varies | Map Quest URL with the coordinates to the location. |