This operation has the same functionality as FindAddress with the exception that the parameters can be entered on any line, in any order into the input fields and an address will successfully validate. This operation can be used to validate messy or ambiguous address data and will attempt to find the correct address information before validating.
URL Endpoints
- XML:
FindAddressLines Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
Line1 to Line10 | String | Address input field. This can be any of the inputs in that would be used for FindAddress. |
LicenseKey* | String | Your license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial key at |
FindAddressLines Outputs
Output Parameter | Type | Values | Description |
Addresses | FixedAddress[] | Varies | The corrected address candidates. |
Errors | String | Varies | Error object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” page for more information. |
Name | Type | Values | Description | ||||||
Address | String | Varies | The corrected Address line 1. | ||||||
City | String | Varies | The corrected city name. | ||||||
State | String | Varies | The corrected state name. | ||||||
Zip | String | Varies | The corrected zip code + 4. | ||||||
DPV* [1] | String | Varies | Number that correlates to a DPV(Delivery Point Validation) result. An indicator displaying whether or not the address is recognized as deliverable by the USPS. | ||||||
DPVDesc* | String | Varies | A description of the DPV number. | ||||||
DPVNotes* | String | Varies | Number that correlates to DPV notes description. Service Objects may add or change Note descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
DPVNotesDesc* | String | Varies | Details about the DPV result. Service Objects may add or change Note descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
Corrections* | String | Varies | Number that correlates to a Corrections Description. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
CorrectionsDesc* | String | Varies | Description of what was corrected in an address. Linked to the Corrections number. Service Objects may add or change Correction descriptions, but will never modify existing codes. | ||||||
Notes | String | Varies | Not currently used. | ||||||
NotesDesc | String | Varies | Not currently used. | ||||||
BarcodeDigits [2] | String | Varies |
The post office delivery barcode digits. Barcode Example: 931011445011
| ||||||
CarrierRoute | String | Varies | 4 chars: 1 for the route type, 3 for the route code. Identifies a group of addresses when prepended by 5-digit Zip. | ||||||
CongressCode | String | Varies | The congress code of the given address. | ||||||
CountyCode | String | Varies | The county code of the given address. | ||||||
CountyName | String | Varies | The name of the county in which the given address lies. | ||||||
FragmentHouse | String | Varies |
The parsed house number of the given address. 123 in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPreDir | String | Varies |
The parsed pre-directional of the address's street. North in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentStreet | String | Varies |
The parsed name of the street in the given address. Main in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentSuffix | String | Varies |
The parsed suffix of the street in the given address. St in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPostDir | String | Varies |
The parsed post-directional of the address's street. West in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentUnit | String | Varies | The parsed unit type (e.g. “Apt” or “Ste”) | ||||||
Fragment | String | Varies | The parsed “Fragment” box, apartment or unit number. Same as FragmentPMBNumber. | ||||||
FragmentPMBPrefix | String | Varies |
The parsed type of the apartment, box, unit, etc. Apt in 123 North Main St West Apt A | ||||||
FragmentPMBNumber | String | Varies |
The parsed apartment, box, unit, etc. number of the given address. A in 123 North Main St West Apt A |