URL Endpoints
FindBestCountry Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
CompanyName | String | The contacts company name. e.g. Service Objects *** This value is not currently used by the service. |
FullName | String | The contact’s full name. e.g. Jane Doe *** This value is not currently used by the service. |
FirstName | String | First name of the contact. e.g. Jane *** This value is not currently used by the service. |
LastName | String | Last name of the contact. e.g. Doe *** This value is not currently used by the service. |
Address1 | String | The address line 1 of the contact or business address. |
Address2 | String | The address line 2 of the contact or business address. |
Address3 | String | The address line 3 of the contact or business address. |
Address4 | String | The address line 4 of the contact or business address. |
Address5 | String | The address line 5 of the contact or business address. |
Address6 | String | The address line 6 of the contact or business address. |
Address7 | String | The address line 7 of the contact or business address. |
Address8 | String | The address line 8 of the contact or business address. |
Locality | String | The locality of the contact’s postal address, such as a city, town, village or other type of municipality. |
AdminArea | String | The name of the administrative division of the contact’s postal address. Commonly the primary division of a country, such as a State, Region, Province, County, Territory or Prefecture. |
PostalCode | String | The contact’s postal address postal code or its equivalent, such as a ZIP code (US), PLZ (DE, AU, and CH), PIN code (IN) and CAP (IT). |
Phone1 | String | The contact’s primary phone number. e.g. office number |
Phone2 | String | The contact’s secondary phone number. e.g. fax number |
Phone3 | String | The contact’s tertiary phone number. e.g. direct number |
String | The contact’s email address. | |
IPAddress | String | The contact’s IP address in IPv4. (IPv6 coming in a future release). |
Domain | String | Website domain associated with the business. e.g. serviceobjects.com *** This value is not currently used by the service. |
LicenseKey | String | Your license key to use the service. This is a required value. Sign up for a free trial key at www.serviceobjects.com. |
FindAddress Outputs
- CountryDetectionResponse
Name | Type | Values | Description |
CountryDetection | CountryDetection | Varies | The country detection object that returns query status and a Best Country if one was found. |
Error | Error | Varies | Error object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” below for more information. |
- CountryDetection
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Status | String | OK WARNING | Indicates if the request was successfully able to find a best matching country for the contact or not. |
TotalScore | String | 0-100 | Returns a score between 0 and 100. The score is based on the number of contact components submitted. Some components are worth more than others. For example, the address component will have a higher score than the email component. The more contact component input values that are given, the greater the likelihood for the service to return a high score. |
Notes | String or NULL | See “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptive note codes. |
NotesDesc | String or NULL | See “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Notes output. |
Warnings | String or NULL | See “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of warning codes. |
WarningsDesc | String or NULL | See “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Warnings output. |
Best_CountryName [1] | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact. |
Best_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the best matching country for the contact. This is the internal name used by the locals of the country. e.g. Germany is Deutschland |
Best_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best macthes the contact as a whole. |
Best_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best macthes the contact as a whole. |
Address_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s address component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
Address_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s address component. |
Address_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s address component. |
Address_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s address component. |
Address_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s address component. |
Address_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s address component. |
Phone1_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s phone1 component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
Phone1_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component. |
Phone1_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component. |
Phone1_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component. |
Phone1_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone1 component. |
Phone1_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone1 component. |
Phone2_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s phone2 component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
Phone2_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component. |
Phone2_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component. |
Phone2_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component. |
Phone2_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone2 component. |
Phone2_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone2 component. |
Phone3_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s phone3 component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
Phone3_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component. |
Phone3_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component. |
Phone3_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component. |
Phone3_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s phone3 component. |
Phone3_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s phone3 component. |
IPAddress_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s IP address component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
IPAddress_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component. |
IPAddress_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component. |
IPAddress_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component. |
IPAddress_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s IP address component. |
IPAddress_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s IP address component. |
Email_Score | String or NULL | Varies | Represents the score of the contact’s email address component and how much it contributes to the total score. |
Email_CountryName | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component. |
Email_CountryLocalName | String or NULL | Varies | *The endonym or autonym of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component. |
Email_CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code of the country that best matches the contact’s email address component. |
Email_CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s email address component. |
Email_AllCountriesFoundISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | A comma-separated list of ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes for all the countries that matched the contact’s email address component. |