- URL Endpoints
- HTTP GET Request Help Page
- HTTP POST Request Help Page
- ReverseSearch Inputs
- References
The ReverseSearch operation returns the address or place information for a given set of coordinates, along with additional address and location information. It will attempt to reverse geocode coordinates and return international addresses at the property level, which is often at the premise level resolution for some properties and then cascade to the next best available resolution such as the street, neighborhood, postal code, locality and so on. For non-address places such as streets, cities and postal codes returned by the service, the coordinates output in the response body will represent a coordinate point that is commonly associated with the location or a centroid for the area.
URL Endpoints
HTTP GET Request Help Page
HTTP POST Request Help Page
ReverseSearch Inputs
Name | Type | Description |
Latitude* | String | The latitude of the location. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
Longitude* | String | The longitude of the location. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
SearchRadius | String | The maximum search radius distance set in kilometers. Defaults to 1. Maximum value of 50. |
Country | String | The preferred name of the country or the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code or the Alpha-3 Country Code. Some alternate country names and spellings are supported, but the use of the common English spelled name or ISO2 country code is recommended for best results. |
MaxResults | String | Sets the maximum number of results the operation is allowed to return. Acceptable values range from 1 to 10. |
SearchType* | String | The name of the type of search you want to perform for the given address or place. See “Search Types” for more information. |
LicenseKey* | String | Your license key to use the service. Sign up for a free trial key at https://www.serviceobjects.com/address-geocode/ |
* Required
ReverseSearch Outputs
- All of the response objects are contained within the SearchResponse object.
- SearchResponse
Name | Type | Values | Description |
SearchInfo | SearchInfo | Varies | Contains status, notes and warning information about the query as well as the number of locations returned. This object is always returned. |
Locations | LocationInfo[] | Varies | Contains a list of LocationInfo objects. If a best match is found then the service will contain a single location. If a single best match cannot be found or if the ‘SearchType’ input value is set to ‘All’ then the list will contain no more than the maximum number of locations set by the ‘MaxResults’ input. |
Error | Error | Varies | Error object indicating why the service could not return a result. See “Errors” page for more information. |
- SearchInfo
Name | Type | Values | Description |
Status | String | See “Status” for descriptions and possible values. | Indicates if the service found one or more results or if it encountered an error when processing the query. |
NumberOfLocations | String | Number Max Range of 0 – 10 | Indicates the number of locations found for the query that will be listed in LocationInfo array Locations. The default maximum number of location returned by the service is 10; however, a lower value can be set in the ‘MaxResults’ input. |
Notes | String or NULL | See “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptive note codes about the query. |
NotesDesc | String or NULL | See “Note Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Notes output. |
Warnings | String or NULL | See “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of warning codes about the query. |
WarningDesc | String or NULL | See “Warning Codes & Descriptions” for possible values and details. | Comma-separated list of descriptions that correspond to the Warnings output. |
- LocationInfo
Name | Type | Values | Description |
PrecisionLevel | String | Number Ranges 1 – 16 | Indicates how precise the coordinates are. Levels range from 1 – 16. The higher the number the higher the precision. See “Precision Levels” for more details. |
Type | String | See “Types“ for possible values and details. | Indicates what type of location the coordinates are for. For example, the location may be for an address, thoroughfare, locality or postal code. |
Latitude | String | Varies | The latitude of the location. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
Longitude | String | Varies | The longitude of the location. A decimal number up to 10 digits with a max precision of up to 7 places after the decimal point. |
AddressComponents | AddressComponents | Varies | A name-value pair collection containing additional information about the location. See the “AddressComponents” table and the list of Components for more details. |
- AddressComponents
Name | Type | Values | Description |
PremiseNumber | String or NULL | Varies | The number associated with the property. Also known as the Address, Street or House number. |
Thoroughfare | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the thoroughfare. Also known as a street, road, highway, etc. |
DoubleDependentLocality | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the double dependent locality. |
DependentLocality | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the dependent locality. |
Locality | String or NULL | Varies | The preferred English name of the locality, such as a City, Town or other type of Municipality. |
AdministrativeArea1 | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the primary administrative division, such as a State, Region, Province, County, Territory or Prefecture. |
AdministrativeArea1Abbreviation | String or NULL | Varies | The abbreviated name of the primary administrative area. |
AdministrativeArea2 | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the secondary administrative division, such as a County or Region. |
AdministrativeArea2Abbreviation | String or NULL | Varies | The abbreviated name of the secondary administrative area. |
AdministrativeArea3 | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the third level administrative division, such as a Borough or District. |
AdministrativeArea3Abbreviation | String or NULL | Varies | The abbreviated name of the tertiary administrative area. |
AdministrativeArea4 | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the fourth level administrative division, such as a Ward or Quarter. |
AdministrativeArea4Abbreviation | String or NULL | Varies | The abbreviated name of the quaternary administrative area. |
PostalCode | String or NULL | Varies | The postal code of the international address. |
Country | String or NULL | Varies | The country |
CountryISO2 | String or NULL | Varies | The 2-letter country abbreviation. |
CountryISO3 | String or NULL | Varies | The 3-letter country abbreviation. |
GoogleMapsURL ** | String or NULL | Varies | Google Maps URL with the coordinates to the location. |
PlaceName * | String or NULL | Varies | The name of the place that the coordinates are associated with. Most commonly the name of a municipality, city, town, village or community. |
IsUnincorporated * | String or NULL | Varies | Indicates if the coordinates are for an unincorporated area. Only appears for street level property matches (S). 1 – Indicates that the coordinates fall within the boundaries of a known unincorporated area. 2 – Indicates that the coordinates fall outside of the boundaries of a known area. |
StateFIPS * | String or NULL | 2 Digit Number | State FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identity states. |
CountyFIPS * | String or NULL | 3 Digit Number | County FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) code; used to uniquely identify counties across the US. |
CensusTract * | String or NULL | 6 Digit Decimal Number | The census tract of the given address. A census tract is a statistical subdivision of a county. |
CensusBlock * | String or NULL | 4 Digit Number | The census block of the given address. A block is the smallest geographic unit used by the US Census. |
CensusGeoID * | String or NULL | 15 Digit Number | A Census based geographic identification code that uniquely identifies a geographic statistical area. |
ClassFP * | String or NULL | Alpha-Numeric | A code that defines the current class of the geographic US location. |
CongressCode * | String or NULL | Varies | The congressional district number. |
SLDUST * | String or NULL | Varies | Current state legislative district upper (senate) chamber code. |
SLDLST * | String or NULL | Varies | Current state legislative district lower (house) chamber code |
Timezone_UTC *** | String or NULL | Number | The time zone in UTC offset format. |
* Only available when ‘Census’ is included in the input value for Extras.
** Only available when ‘URLs’ is included in the input value for Extras.